Wednesday, February 28, 2007

With or Without?

Summer '06 - Feburary '07

I have not had a haircut in over six months. I thought it would be interesting to contrast. I figured everyone else would want to as well, since my hair plays such a big part in your life.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Good Friends And Food

Nothing is better than prayer, fun, and fellowship over a meal. These are the things we will remember from Harding. Woods, you are awesome.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Get on Your Bike and Ride...

My brother-in-law is currently resting before finishing his bikeride from Murray, KY to Memphis. He is amazingly riding 180 miles in two days. He rides his bike alot, but never a trip like this. I am impressed, you should be too.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Custom-Fit Sweater

The Front.

The back.

I unveiled this hand-made sweater at the Blands' last night. My wife never ceases to amaze me with her knitting skills. All I need are some pants and I could cover myself with all things knit. I have socks, shoes, scarf, and now sweater.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sir Charles Speaks

Chuck, why don't you tell us how you really feel about Scottie's possible return?

Getting Close To Completion

This is the sweater very near completion. I can't wait to sport it in complete form out in public. Isn't my wife an awesome knitter?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Valentine's Day

A few days before Valentine's Day Erin said, "holidays are so much more fun when you are married". I agree. I successfully executed my gift giving and received some great socks.

But the best part was the time we spent together. We had a great day. Erin was off work Wednesday and since my schedule is flexible, we were able to spend the day together. This is us on the downtown trolley, we also visited Peabody Place and got some ice cream. It was fun just having that time to spend together.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Construction Of A Sweater

The beginning of a great project. A sweater for yours truly. Making progress, keep on working EG.

The front and back are complete and displayed wonderfully by my little knitter.
A completed sweater will be displayed soon....

Monday, February 05, 2007

Super Bowl XLI

Championship Quarterback.

The best coach and best player finally get rewarded with their Super Bowl.

Not only did Peyton win the big one, he won the MVP. There is no disputing his legacy now. After a rocky first quarter, the whole team clamped down and dominated the game. Colts Super Bowl XLI Champs.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

World Cup vs. Super Bowl

It is upon us. Tommorow is the 41st installment of what has become the biggest sports day in American culture. Why is the NFL championship game so much more celebrated than the championship of other sports that are popular in America such as baseball and basketball? A best of seven series in baseball or the Final Four does not even compare to the coverage that the Super-analyzed, Super-advertized, championship game in the NFL gets. Why is the Super Bowl such a pop culture phenomenon? Why do people watch the Super Bowl who have never watched a sporting event all year? It is a one and done game opposed to other major professoinal league sports championship games, I suppose that helps.

For good reason major products have decided that it is worth the millions of dollars to put up a 30 second ad. I have heard some non-sports fans say they watch it for the commercials, I suppose they are expecting the most clever commercials to be introduced during the most watched televised sporting event of the year. Maybe the draw of commercials, which people usually avoid are a draw to the usual non-sporting fan. A sign of the consumer driven times. Entertain me with the advertisment of your products.

Last year, the world's most popular sport showcased some of the world's best athletes to compete in the World Cup. The most dedicated fans are those who tune in to watch the game. I am sure of this because the only commercials are at half-time and the focus of the tournament is on the games. While players are in their respective locker rooms, there are not World Cup officials holding their breath for a possible wardrobe malfunction. Instead, the players are resting preparing for the next commercial free 45 minutes of action while a relatively speaking minor entertainment show is on display. The entire focus of the month-long tournament is deciding who has the best soccer in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I like American football. I enjoy watching games every Sunday during the season. The Super Bowl is my least favorite game of the season because of the over analyzing and all the non-sporting focus it gets. When it comes to the biggest stage of competition I think the World Cup blows away the Super Bowl.
Go Peyton.