Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hey friends and family, I am leaving for Zambia this minute (assuming the plane takes off in time). I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve in a place that is outside my comfort zone. I appreciate prayers as I am traveling and while I am there. The travel is going to be gruesome, as I have never traveled overseas before. I hope to update anyone who is interested in the happenings of the trip on the Zambia Mission Blog. I am hoping my Cubs will still be in first place after my 27 day absence from watching them.
Also, Erin and I will be apart for 10 days. That is the longest we have been apart since we have been married. That will be difficult. Prayers for that are welcomed.
I am excited about my chance to experience another culture and broaden my horizons. I want it to be more than that though. I want to help these people and be a servant first.

Monday, May 12, 2008


A while back I wrote a post about motivations. I am trying to do a better job recognizing the motivations behind my actions. It has been challenging and difficult in itself.
My next question is how to change motivations when they are not proper. I know that I should do things without expecting praise. How do I prevent myself from acting with the expectation of praise in the back (or front) of my mind? How do I change my mindset from, doing something just to have it done or for recognization rather than doing it to expand minds, or out of pure service.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

Monday, May 05, 2008


Blogger allows the blogger to label their respective posts in a way that defines what the blog is about. Looking at my labels it appears that I choose to write about things the most that deal with my wife and sports. My blog is not necessarily a representation of my life the way a journal would be. I do not therapeutically write everything on my heart in my blog, so my labels are not necessarily an indicator of my actions, thoughts, etc.
If I had to label my life what would it look like? If each of my actions were labeled and grouped together what would accumulate the most "life labels". How we spend our energy is worth pondering. Service, entertainment, self-fulfillment?