Thursday, June 26, 2008


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I often hear, "I am reminded that I am so blessed" in reference to an experience in a developing country. That comment has started to bother me. It has been a little while now that something about that graded on my nerves as I heard it. Finally, I was able to process it out with Joe today.
"I am blessed"= air conditioner, unlimited amount of food, TV, and a nice house. When we say we are blessed we are basing our blessings on material things. That is a shame. Granted, we would be ignorant not to recognize that we have more and our more makes things easier a lot of times. However, looking only at material blessings ignores what truly enrich our lives.
As Joe mentioned, slowing down our lives like is often done here can create positive relationships. I have been able to build relationships with people here because of the slowed down lifestyle. That is hard for us to recognize as a blessing.

Also, as one of the missionaries mentioned the people are more likely to feel dependent on God because they do not have 401 (k) plans and as structured life styles. This environment provides a context to develop a trust in God we are unable to develop.

I suppose what I am trying to say is spiritual blessings are what should be placed as most important in our lives. Measuring how we are blessed because we have more material things removes us from recognizing what is truly important in life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am sitting here working on some stuff for VBS. I just looked up to stretch and I see my new globe. I have examined it a number of times since acquiring it last week. Although the globe is the size of a basketball it reminds me how big the world is. I go to Memphis, TN and it is just a speck on the globe. There is so much more out there to see, to experience. My time in Africa reminded me that there are places unlike I have ever come close to seeing. I want to experience more of that. I don't want to be locked into a dot.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Dr. Oster showed this video in chapel. I liked it so I thought I would share.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I can't bring myself to change the name, yet. Someday...


My location simply means where I am in my journey. That includes physical, spiritual, and personal development. As I continue to form as a person the blog puts a pin on the map as to what is currently going on. There will still be plenty of jokes and sports, don't worry.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


|misˈplāst| |ˈmɪsˈpleɪst| |mɪsˈpleɪsd|
1 incorrectly positioned : a million dollars had been lost because of a misplaced comma.
• not appropriate or correct in the circumstances : a telling sign of misplaced priorities.
• (of an emotion) directed unwisely or to an inappropriate object : he began to wonder if his sympathy were misplaced.
2 [ attrib. ] temporarily lost : her misplaced

Misplaced in Memphis is not really an accurate portrayal of my life anymore. I don't feel like my presence in Memphis is incorrect or uncomfortable. A change in name has been a long time coming. Now I just need to determine what new name fits the blog. Within the week I plan to change the name, so be on the lookout.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Erin and I arrived in Memphis about 2 AM last night (morning). Thanks to Rusty for picking us up. Issues traveling but I won't go into that. Too frustrating.
I was not looking forward to getting back to Memphis. The traveling helped that along though. I was longing for my bed, any bed after all the hours in airports/planes.
I have so much to share about the trip. Not sure where to start. For now, I will just thank everyone who supported us in any way as we were on the trip. Broadway Church of Christ in Paducah has become even more dear to my heart after their gracious display. Many good friends were made on the trip. It was an amazing experience. More to come later.