In the 90s as I was getting old enough to register sports information for trivia and meaningless discussions, my Dad seemed to be starting to grow weary of professional sports, specifically baseball. I only say that because I think I know where he is coming from. My good ol' days were what he found wrong about sports. I never knew a time when athletes weren't paid out the ying yang like he does, but I do remember a time when sports were more than a soap opera for men.
Face it fellow sports fans we get wrapped up in a reality show soap opera. The rumor mill and indictments are just as much a part of "sports" as pennant races and Super Bowls. ESPN saves more airtime for arguments about off the field issues than sports highlights. Who's "Now"? Who cares? I don't care how cool Derek Jeter is for dating some actress, I want to watch athletic competition. Since when did ESPN executives decide that people tuned in to ESPN for things other than sports? MLS has even gotten in on the act bringing over a glamorous soccer star for off-field attention.
But, if ESPN is going to have shows dedicated solely to football year-round they need something to talk about, unfortunately for sports fans it is legal scandal. The NFL is really messing up by having so much off-season coverage. The reason their sport is the most popular right now is because there is limited supply-fewer games. With all the coverage they are going to take the excitement of the weekly games away. They are also starting to rival the NBA in thug appeal, but still can't hang in mobster appeal.
So, what I am starting to understand is how pro sports can make you long for the good ol' days.