Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Christian politics is not voting for the person whose party has convinced the nation they hold the morals of America as their platform. Christian politics is the church as a community and individual Christians being proactive towards the social issues in our nation.

Are those people concerned about gay marriage taking care of their own marriages and joining with the church in supporting those who are struggling with marriage? Gay marriage is not an attack on my family or any other one. In my opinion, divorce is the most dangerous attack on the family, substance abuse, addictions are other risk factors to the family "under attack", not people who struggle with homosexuality getting married. So what are those fighting verbally doing pro-actively with the church for the support of healthy marriage?

Are those people shouting out about murdering infants adopting or fostering? Or even financially supporting organizations that actually do something after babies are born to unwed mothers, or teenagers not ready for motherhood?

Are those people fighting for policies for those under the poverty line taking time to have a meal with those in poverty? Are they joining with their church in an effort to not only financially help, but be a presence of care?

Are prayers going up for people in Iraq? Or only votes cast? Or no thought at all about loving enemies (not to mention innocent citizens)?

The disciples of Christ were never called to make sure a faithful follower was in office. I dare say Jesus did not care who was in office. It was not worth squabbling about. Jesus' challenge to us was to live in a way the world recognize as different.

Paul never tried to make the laws of the land to where he would not be flogged and put in jail for preaching Jesus resurrected. I am sure he would have found the "morality" of the government of that day to be convenient. But, he was more concerned with the lives of Christians and those in need. As we can see in his letters he had enough issues to worry about in the way of unity rather than political loyalties.

Why allow something like loyalty to a political party damage Christian relationships?

Voting is not Christian politics. Living out the social issues you want to see changed or preserved is Christian politics. Being a city on a hill, the salt of the earth is Christian politics.

There is no such thing as a "Christian Nation", not the US, not Nazi Germany (who also claimed Christian Nation). There is a Christian community, though (by the way, it reaches outside of our country). And it has nothing to do with elections and it is where we should act.

Sunday, October 05, 2008


As most if not all of you know, I am a Cubs fan. So I am supposed to write a blog post giving reasons they lost. Or maybe hoping for next year. Not today at least.
Natural comments I receive regarding the Cubs lets me know that people are aware the Cubs games are important to me, especially playoff time (even from people whose team did not have the best record in the NL; I have to at least have one defensive zinger).
This made me think. What do people see in my life that lets them know about my passion to serve God? What happens in the real world that would make people think, I should tell Justin Lewis about this. Opportunities to serve? Injustice that I would work to curtail? Things going on in Zambia? These type of things are things I should be defined by. Not the most knowledgeable or loyal Cubs fan in Memphis or something like that.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008