Saturday, December 30, 2006


These four churches are in a town between Murray KY and Memphis. The church furthurest away with the green roof and steeple is a church of Christ, I am not sure about the other three. Nothing says unity more than sharing a parking lot.
By the way: Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Festivus for the Rest of Us!!!

For those of us who find Christmas to be aggrevating, I suggest an alternative. Not hannukkah, not quanza, not even skipping Christmas. I suggest the holiday that was suggested by Frank Costanza. Festivus.
The origin of the holiday is explained as follows:
Frank Costanza: Many Christmases ago I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows on him I realized there had to be a better way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank Costanza: It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born...a Festivus for the rest of us!

Festivus replaces a Christmas tree with a six foot alluminum pole (illustrated above). The advantages are obvious, the set up and taking down are much easier.
There is no specified expected meal involved with Festivus.
After the dinner there is the airing of grievances. Everyone at the table has a chance to tell each of the other people how they have let them down or aggrevate them.
Festivus concludes with a wrestling match ending with the pinning of the person sitting at the head of the table.
Festivus is held on December 23rd. Let's all celebrate!

For more info on Festivus click here.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Show About...Everything

Well, I finished my last final a few hours ago. I thought a proper celebration would be to give some love to my favorite show of all time.
Also, after the incident with Michael Richards (Kramer), I thought the show needed some positive regard.
Seinfeld is great. The characters are perfect, the stories are super creative, and the show that is self-proclaimed "show about nothing" is really the show about everything. Have you ever found yourself saying, "It is just like that Seinfeld..."?
You can never watch too many Seinfelds. If you have any favorite episodes, etc. I would love to hear them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Perks of the Library Worker

In a previous post "The Curse of the Library Worker" I reported the pains and difficulties of working in the library. However, there are many advantages of a library worker. While shelving books one becomes quite familiar with where things are. This comes in very handy when I am doing research. I get to see people and further acquaint myself with those I may not regularly see. I have the most patient boss ever (Shelia). I get to look through people's mail..I mean sort people's mail. I could not mention perks of library work without mentioning Don Meredith. I can feel myself learning the Dewey decimal system and turabian just by being in his vicinity. Oh, and I know where the stash of candy is.
There are also many advantages in which only employees know...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Restore "Songs of Faith and Praise" Dear Lord....

Yesterday in chapel the classic song "Restore my Soul" was sung. The page number was given. I opened my usually handy "Songs of Faith and Praise" to page number called, but it was not "Restore my Soul". I thought I had heard the number incorrectly. I look over a friends shoulder to see that I was not mistaken. I was really confused for a moment, then I looked at the other book attached to the pew infront of me to see that this book had "Restore my Soul". By this point I was really confused. I showed my friend Bob Turner who was sitting beside me. We were in awe of the discrepency. After chapel we noticed that the books were different editions. That explains the discrepency, but it does not explain why "Restore my Soul" is not included in the new edition. How could such an inspiring classic be left out? I call for the next edition to restore the classic.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Curse of the Library Worker

This morning I have come to know the curse of the library. I was checking out a remote control for myself while off duty because it is easier than making a library staff member get up and walk over and do something I can easily do. I hope that did not come across as a complaint because it is not.
The curse that I am speaking of is having to assist fellow students while off duty trying to do my own studying. Multiple times I have ended up helping students while off duty. This morning I had on my jacket and backpack and not even behind the desk when my assistance was solicited. I thought for sure no one would mistake me for being on the clock. I suppose that since I am seen behind the desk then I am seen as eternally on duty when my feet are inside the Oliver and Norma Rogers Research Center. The problem is that when most people are off duty they are not at their place of employment they are somewhere else. But for me this is not the case. I spend many hours at my place of employment while not on duty. This is obviously confusing for some fellow students.
Oh the price one has to pay to work in the library.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Shoe Tree

This photo was taken on the campus of Murray State University. Erin and I both nailed a shoe to the "shoe tree" to follow tradition that if you meet at Murray State and get married you nail a shoe to the tree. Maybe our shoes will last as long as our marriage.