Thursday, September 25, 2008


That little voice in my mind is becoming more clear. No, it is not a mentally unstable voice I am hearing. I am thinking about how uncomfortable I am becoming being comfortable. My comfort zone lacks much want or need. It lacks a great deal of danger. It also lacks much of a challenge of discipleship. What I mean by that is my surroundings do not make it difficult to be a disciple. Only my willingness.

This semester (living in semesters can be pretty comfortable) I have been experiencing what it is like to be a counselor, to work with broken people. I see that many of these people do not have the environment to succeed as a disciple or as an individual. Growing up in a home that gives witness to someone dragging your mother down stairs by her hair does not cultivate American success (opportunities for jobs, college, earning a living) or more importantly learning about Christ (growing up in a safe Christian home). It does give a life experience that could create violence and a feeling of not being safe. It makes me realize my comfort is a "privilege" that gives me a head start.

What in my life must change to be a better disciple? For to whom much is given much is expected. What can I do to rid myself of being comfortable? I must leave my comfort zone by helping those in need. Make sacrifices of my time and money. Do things that show true discipleship. I want people to actually see something different in me because of the way I help people.

I want to make people feel the way a counselor at Hope Works made a client feel. Based on simply listening to this person's life story and being encouraging the client said, "If everybody were like you it would be a better place."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Some of my thoughts on the anniversary of the Twin Tower attack:

Don't pretend it is a special day of morning for God. He doesn't live solely in America nor do we deserve a "wake-up call" (as some interpreted the attack) anymore than any other nation.

1,003,000 deaths in Iraq as of August 2007 due to War on Terror. A minimum of 62,000 civilian deaths. Nearly 3,000 for 9/11 (I am not discounting, just giving a comparison).

Yes it was tragic. It was given a lot of attention because it happened to the US. Americans are no more God's people than Iraqis. 9/11/2001 was no worse for God than a day of starving children dying (who have no voice). Or a day of innocent people being killed for our war on terror (whose voice doesn't matter). Americans are not God's special people who get God's special attention. America is not the most important voice God hears.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


With the upcoming election it is a time as an American people to "voice" our opinion, right? Our democratic government has it figured out. People over 18 can "voice" their opinion on our next president. The next great leader of the free world (and any other country we decide to invade).
It may be considered our American duty to vote each election. I would rather be a disciple of Jesus. Do they contradict? Maybe so maybe not. I would rather express my voice through acts of kindness. I would rather express how I want my money to be spent by spending it on that and more importantly by doing something about it. Meanwhile giving to Caesar what is Caesars, because that is what we have to do. If you have a passion to support education, do it. If you have a desire to keep your money- do the best you can at building an empire and express your voice that way. How about this, if you want to care for the poor don't wait on the government and complain about welfare. Do your part. Interested in international affairs? You get my point. Express your voice through actions that is what we are called to do anyway. Volunteer, show love and compassion, leave your comfort zone, and give your money away.
Today I decided not to vote. Why divide myself from people I like who may vote differently based on political choice(yes I still like people who choose to vote)? Why not just try to inspire through the voice I choose to use; a voice that comes from discipleship? This is the best I can do.
I plan to continue a series of blog posts on "voices".