Friday, January 23, 2009


Special Thanks to Dr. Evertt Huffard, Dr. Dave Bland, Preston Cottrell and Dr. Richard Oster.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Editing and Movie "magic" done by Jacob Parnell.

Special Thanks to Don Meredith, Shelia Owen, and Dr. Richard Oster

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have made a resolution. Or is it just a change if it happens after the first week of January? Anyway, my change in lifestyle is to no longer say the word "cool".

It is too general of a word that is not in the least bit, in any setting creative. Also, I have been known to use it to fill-in pauses in the conversation or use it as a response when I have nothing better to say, "that's cool." When in reality that tells the person very little about what I really think about what they just told me. In fact, I have become aware that it communicates, "I don't really want to explore that any further."

Basically, "cool" is vague and I want to use a word or phrase that is at least more amusing and at most more descriptive.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


My favorite least favorite Jesus encounter must be the "Rich Ruler" or "Rich Young Ruler". This text is found in Luke 18:18-23 and Mark 10:17-24.

What I mean by least favorite is that it is so challenging. I am much like the Rich Ruler. I do a pretty good job keeping the ten commandments. I was raised going to church in a conservative area of the United States where people are generally good and nice. I grew up following all the rules.
I can hear Jesus' response to me being one that is like to that of the one he gave the Rich Ruler:

"That is only part of the mission. You still have a long way to go my friend. Give away your stuff, put your trust in things that are above. Don't live for the things of this world, do things that have eternal significance (store up treasures in heaven)."

This is my favorite in times when I want to be the disciple I should be. It is a good motivator and shows me the way I should be living (which I need). The difference in me and the Rich Ruler is that I don't walk away sad. I walk away inspired. Although I don't always succeed in doing this, I give my best effort. As I write this I realize I could be doing more, this text won't let me go!

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Jessica Wires, Erin Lewis, Yours Truly
The Honduras "Greengo Trio"

Friday, January 02, 2009


In Honduras each morning was like "Christmas morning" (as they say) for me. Every morning after I woke up and got ready I headed over to the main house to begin the day. I was usually the first of the "greengo trio" to make it over and to see how excited the kids were to see me and start a new day was such a blessing.

Sometimes it was a bit overwhelming as each child had a game to play or wanted my attention, but it was worth it to see their smiling faces everyday.