Saturday, December 30, 2006


These four churches are in a town between Murray KY and Memphis. The church furthurest away with the green roof and steeple is a church of Christ, I am not sure about the other three. Nothing says unity more than sharing a parking lot.
By the way: Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Festivus for the Rest of Us!!!

For those of us who find Christmas to be aggrevating, I suggest an alternative. Not hannukkah, not quanza, not even skipping Christmas. I suggest the holiday that was suggested by Frank Costanza. Festivus.
The origin of the holiday is explained as follows:
Frank Costanza: Many Christmases ago I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows on him I realized there had to be a better way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank Costanza: It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born...a Festivus for the rest of us!

Festivus replaces a Christmas tree with a six foot alluminum pole (illustrated above). The advantages are obvious, the set up and taking down are much easier.
There is no specified expected meal involved with Festivus.
After the dinner there is the airing of grievances. Everyone at the table has a chance to tell each of the other people how they have let them down or aggrevate them.
Festivus concludes with a wrestling match ending with the pinning of the person sitting at the head of the table.
Festivus is held on December 23rd. Let's all celebrate!

For more info on Festivus click here.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Show About...Everything

Well, I finished my last final a few hours ago. I thought a proper celebration would be to give some love to my favorite show of all time.
Also, after the incident with Michael Richards (Kramer), I thought the show needed some positive regard.
Seinfeld is great. The characters are perfect, the stories are super creative, and the show that is self-proclaimed "show about nothing" is really the show about everything. Have you ever found yourself saying, "It is just like that Seinfeld..."?
You can never watch too many Seinfelds. If you have any favorite episodes, etc. I would love to hear them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Perks of the Library Worker

In a previous post "The Curse of the Library Worker" I reported the pains and difficulties of working in the library. However, there are many advantages of a library worker. While shelving books one becomes quite familiar with where things are. This comes in very handy when I am doing research. I get to see people and further acquaint myself with those I may not regularly see. I have the most patient boss ever (Shelia). I get to look through people's mail..I mean sort people's mail. I could not mention perks of library work without mentioning Don Meredith. I can feel myself learning the Dewey decimal system and turabian just by being in his vicinity. Oh, and I know where the stash of candy is.
There are also many advantages in which only employees know...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Restore "Songs of Faith and Praise" Dear Lord....

Yesterday in chapel the classic song "Restore my Soul" was sung. The page number was given. I opened my usually handy "Songs of Faith and Praise" to page number called, but it was not "Restore my Soul". I thought I had heard the number incorrectly. I look over a friends shoulder to see that I was not mistaken. I was really confused for a moment, then I looked at the other book attached to the pew infront of me to see that this book had "Restore my Soul". By this point I was really confused. I showed my friend Bob Turner who was sitting beside me. We were in awe of the discrepency. After chapel we noticed that the books were different editions. That explains the discrepency, but it does not explain why "Restore my Soul" is not included in the new edition. How could such an inspiring classic be left out? I call for the next edition to restore the classic.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Curse of the Library Worker

This morning I have come to know the curse of the library. I was checking out a remote control for myself while off duty because it is easier than making a library staff member get up and walk over and do something I can easily do. I hope that did not come across as a complaint because it is not.
The curse that I am speaking of is having to assist fellow students while off duty trying to do my own studying. Multiple times I have ended up helping students while off duty. This morning I had on my jacket and backpack and not even behind the desk when my assistance was solicited. I thought for sure no one would mistake me for being on the clock. I suppose that since I am seen behind the desk then I am seen as eternally on duty when my feet are inside the Oliver and Norma Rogers Research Center. The problem is that when most people are off duty they are not at their place of employment they are somewhere else. But for me this is not the case. I spend many hours at my place of employment while not on duty. This is obviously confusing for some fellow students.
Oh the price one has to pay to work in the library.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Shoe Tree

This photo was taken on the campus of Murray State University. Erin and I both nailed a shoe to the "shoe tree" to follow tradition that if you meet at Murray State and get married you nail a shoe to the tree. Maybe our shoes will last as long as our marriage.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


The "Thinking Man" is pondering the ultimate life question... What makes a subject blogworthy? We all have our opinions, we all have our ideas on why we blog what we blog. So what the "Thinking Man" wants to know is... what characteristics make something blogworthy?

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best Holiday

As Thanksgiving approaches I feel excited, but a little disappointed in myself. I will address the disappointment later, first I will tell you why Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday. Thanksgiving is a great holiday because you can gather with friends and family without any expectations of buying or receiving gifts. In fact, if you did give someone a gift you would probably be looked at strangely. This is one of the reasons I like Thanksgiving. Another reason I enjoy Thanksgiving is the fellowship and warmth in the gathering of friends and family. It doesn't matter to me that it is an annual appointment per se to me, in our busy worlds if that is what is needed, so be it. Turkey, dressing, and sweet potatoes. Football. The classic ingridients to a perfect Thanksgiving.
Now, the true reason it is the best holiday, and the reason I am disappointed in myself. This is the only holiday in which other people are thought of first. In high school I remember participating in activities in which the poor were going to be helped because of the celebration of Thanksgiving. I did some things at Murray State. But this year, I have been so busy with schoolwork I have not found an opportunity to serve. Shame on me for not participating in the part of the holiday I find to be most appealing. I will make time next year, I hope.

-Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends at the Grad school. Espically to ones who aren't able to visit family.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Farting Preacher

This is one of the funniest videos I have watched in a really long time. Everyone needs to experience the
Farting Preacher. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Like Bow Ties

I wear bow ties. I get varied reactions from those who encounter me as I sport the unique accessory. Some critize the bow tie (haters). Some applaud the bow tie (congratulators). Some give credit for having the fortitude to wear the bow tie. My question is this: Why aren't bow ties worn more often? Why can't I find them on the sale rack at T.J. Max?
It is obvious, most people do not know the perks of wearing bow ties. The number 1 reason I wear a bow tie is that I look really good in them. At least that is what my wife says.
Ever been to some formal event where there is food and your tie keeps getting in the way? With the bow tie you fulfill your duty to wear a tie without the annoyance of the tie getting in your food.
Crave attention? A bow tie is a good way to draw attention to yourself.
Another great thing about bow ties is the preconceived notion that smart people wear bow ties. This blog has effectively blown that theory though.
Anyways, I encourage all to get a bow tie and join the trend that I am offically calling into existence.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hardball Dream Team

Well the World Series is over. Now it is time for free-agency madness. Get the rumor mill rollin'. In the spirit of the free-agency period, and a desperate attempt to cheer myself up from the Cardinals winning the World Series, I have decided to make out my free-agency "dream team". These aren't necessarily players I would want my team to acquire as you will notice. This team would be for mere entertainment, jokes, and the like. This list includes only players who have offically filed for free-agency. So here is the lineup:

DL: Kerry Wood-I had to acquire at least one player destined to spend most of the year on the DL.

Pitchers: Steve Trachsel (doesn't he have some NLCS record?..whats that? Oh the highest ERA for a starter...oh well), Brian Moehler. (No I don't know who he is either but the Marlins always seem to stumble into talent.) Steve Kline-gotta love anyone who gives Tony LaRussa the bird. Barry Zito-I love his 12 to 6 curveball.

C. Henry Blanco-I could not figure out anyone else. The pickings were pretty slim behind the dish, so I went with a Cubbie.

1B. Tough choice...I like Doug Mientkiewicz for a few reasons. He is a good fielder. He probably has some record for longest name and it would be a season long challenge for me to learn how to pronounce it. Downside is he has a reputation of being a thief.

2B. Lots of decent second basemen out there. Second to none however is ... Alfonso Soriano. The downside is all the trade talk. He makes up for it with his speed and power. May have to work on the fielding a little though.

3B. No third basemen jumped out at me, so I will acquire Nomar and stick him on third. He is good for some Mia sightings even if/when he gets hurt. I better pick up Aubrey Huff too, just in case.

SS. Royce Clayton. There are a few people who probably understand this selection. He was mentioned in the "First Baseball Game", a Bob and Tom skit. It would be fun to quote that for 6 months.

OF. Craig Wilson. My wife calls him "white trash" because of his hair. It would be fun to say "hey Erin...white trash is up to bat".
Luis Gonzalez-the team he won a World Series for with a 9th inning hit doesn't want him anymore...that has be a good sign right? Plus, he can multi-task and give commentary during the game.
Dave Roberts- gotta respect him for the stolen base in the '04 ALCS.

DH: Frank "The Big Hurt" Thomas. Such a smooth swing for a big man. It is fun to watch him punish the ball. (Being a true NL guy, I normally do not recognize the DH. I had to get "The Tank" on here though.

Have a good one.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hammerin' Hank

In the past few years Barry Bonds has made up quite a bit of ground on Hank Aaron's all time homerun record. Next year he could very conceivably break the record. Unlike the American public, I will grant Bonds innocent until proven guilty as far as "juicing" goes. At the same time, I think he did it. I don't know about that the book "Game of Shadows" that supposedly gives indicting evidence, even if it does it is probably in language the common man would not understand. Cansaco's "Juiced" is probably the most accurate, and it puts it in clear terms that the American public can understand like "he stuck a needle in himself". As a side note, only in America could a washed up athlete desperatly striving for attention create an investigation involving the government towards a professional sports league through a tell-all book.
Back to the point my ramblings. Hank Aaron will always be my homerun king. He had to go through outside pressures that I will never fully understand, he received all kinds of hate mail and death threats. I read one at a traveling Hall of Fame exhibit, seems like there were alot of "fans" that did not want him to pass the Great Bambino, the Sultun of Swat, the "Babe". He just kept playing though. He did it with grace and respect (from what I hear). Here is to you Hank.

In other news: I hurt my knee and am out of athletics for 3-6 weeks. Bone bruises hurt.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rachel's Birthday Party

These are Erin and my creations from a trip to Seize the Clay. I never saw Ben's finished product but the Woods' projects turned out great. I will let you judge mine and Erin's for yourself. If you need help mine is on the right.

FYI: No the W is not a sign of alliance with the President. The W is a logo for an outdoor company, Moosejaw.

Monday, October 02, 2006

There is always next year....

The agony of another Major League baseball season is over. But the best part is just starting you may say. For a Cubs fan the end of September is more often than not the end of the baseball season and the beginning of "there is always next year...". Dusty and his toothpick have been run out of Wrigley as quickly as the farmer and his goat nearly 100 years ago.
I am still not sure how I feel about the firing. What does a manager really do anyways? There is no other person on the planet that could make up 30 games to draw the Cubbies to even a .500 record. Much less put them in playoff contention (although that would not take much more in the NL).
On the other hand, maybe just a fresh outlook could give a change in attitude much like what happened when Dusty came in 2003 and took them within 5 outs of the World Series (see A Cub Fans Lament).
Well, maybe some things will go right for the Cubs. The perfect manager will be hired, Prior will be healthy (or even better, we could trick someone into trading for him), Wood will be healthy, no costly injuries will occur e.g. Derrek Lee and his wrist and Micheal Barrett's uhm how can I put this, "private injury", and Cubs will ride the wave of loyal fanhood all over the nation straight to the World Series. There is always next year...

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Latest Creations

Yes, this doll was made completely by my wonderfully talented wife.
This mini-Erin was made for one of her friend's two year old.
This friend just had a new baby boy and the University of Kentucky sweater that is seen here is the present for Levi to grow into.
I will keep you posted on the many creations of Erin G. Lewis.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Bookshelf

I have seen a couple of blogs sharing book favorites with the public. I liked that idea and since I did not see a copyright I think I will do the same thing.

By the way I want to take out the bible factor from the discussion. It is obviously the most important book and an obvious answer for most of the questions.

Seven books that changed my life (in no particular order):

1.Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis-Classic for growing as a Christian
2.Moneyball by Micheal Lewis-All baseball fans should read it
3.The Firm by John Grisham (I read it in 9th grade and it caused me to take more of an interest in out of school reading. It also made me think I wanted to be a lawyer, which proved to be the last thing I wanted to be. This lead me towards the low-paying helping profession I am in training for now.)
4.Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp-All American Christians should read this, or as Camp rightly says it Christians who live in America
5.2nd Incarnation by Randy Harris and Rubel Shelly-Every church leader should read it
6.Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster-Great for a fresh perspective on personal Christianity
7.The Question of God-Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr.-Insightful book about the ideas of Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis

A book I have read more than once:
To Kill a Mockingbird-I always remember that I like it but I forget the storyline

A book I would take with me if I were stuck on a desert island:
Not sure...definatly something with pictures of things other than a desert island.

A book that made me laugh:
Seinfeld and Philosophy-Must I give a description?

A book that I wish I had written:
DSM IV-TR-This would mean I was really smart

A book that I wish had never been written:
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown-Bible classes could have talked about the bible for a year

A book I have been "dying" to read:
Come to the Table by John Mark Hicks
Waiting for Teddy Williams-Fiction will be a nice change of pace

I am currently reading:
Restoring my Soul by Dr. Bill Flatt
Theories of Personality by Duane and Sydney Ellen Schultz
Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques by Mark E. Young
The Human Odyssey: Life Span Development by Paul S. Kaplan
Becoming a Family Therapist by Kramer (no not that Kramer)

I would love any feedback...have a good one.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Coming Together

This picture is from an on-campus event from about a month ago (Yeah I know a month is a really long time in blogging time but I thought this picture was funny so I decided to post). As part of the festivities Jason and I serenaded the crowd with a wide variety of tunes. The song being performed in the picture is a Jason Whaley original that was modified for the evening's theme "El Cow Song". This was our first performance together and I think I have found my calling with the marracas.
The evening also happened to fall on my birthday. For those of you who are keeping score...this year is the big 2-3.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Miss My Wife

Today I have realized how used to marriage I have become. I know this is a little sappy, but I miss having my wife here. How long must I be my own entity you may ask. Two days and one night. Yes I know I am pathetic. It is not even the longest we have been apart since we have been married it just feels weird not having a wife to come to. It is awfully quiet in here right now. No one here with me to show me knitting progress, just Chris Berman blabbing about football.
I must say, however, it has been nice living some of my bachelor ways. Not nice enough to keep from missing my wife though.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

HUGSR Soccer

These pictures are taken during and after our first game on Saturday. It was hot. We did manage one victory out of four games. If you missed the game, which you probably did unless you were Erin, Carolyn, Monica, Rusty or Rachel then you will probably have another chance as we have been challenged by the Iglasia de Christo team. Time and location TBA. Much props to Rusty for making the shirt (I am not sure why he felt the need to flex though).

Friday, August 25, 2006

Tourney Time

The first ever Harding University Graduate School of Religion soccer team (I think) will be in competition tommorow for the first time. We will be participating in the Memphis Urban Ministry/ Iglesia de Cristo soccer tournament. Months of nearly tortuous training in the heat of the dog days of summer will finally pay off this weekend, as we dominate the competition. Pictures will probably be added next week. Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Calling All Angels

At Sycamore View church of Christ I heard an amazing testimony about the power of prayer and angels. A one year old child was in the hospital because he was having constant convulsive seizures. The doctors loaded up the child on enough Valium for a 200 pound man, but the seizures continued. The hospital Chaplin gave the mother little comfort by saying "sometimes they survive this". While the child was in the MRI machine the father arrived at the hospital. He prayed for God to surround the child with angels to give him comfort. Immediately the seizures stopped.
I rarely, if ever, consider the role angels play in my life. I do not ask God to surround me with angels, I ask for peace directly from Him. I do not think anything is wrong about that, but maybe I should give angels more credit, or take them into account at least.
I think my lack of knowledge of what angels are capable of comes from our culture. I see so many TV shows and movies that portray angels almost mockingly, like "Angels in the Outfield". Or I see shows that give characters guardian angels and the angels assist the characters in the most unreasonable of circumstances. Maybe worst of all the characters become romantically involved with an angel. This makes me unsure of how powerful angels really are. It causes me to ask myself how angels are involved in my life. How much do I allow them to be a part of my life?
Angels seem to be God's messengers in the bible. Maybe the peace I ask for is given from God through angels?
Should I limit my expectations of what angels can do? I don't think so. I think God would rather us have too much faith (if that is possible) than to be skeptical of the things He can do, including the use of angels. So maybe from now on I will include in my prayers the assistance of angels.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Memories of a Speedy Summer

I would like to take this blogger space to look back to the summer that was. This was my first Memphis summer, and I no longer only hear about the really thick humidity and blazing heat, I have experienced it. I have decided not to complain about the lack of relaxation I have received over the summer. Usually being a student+hot weather=no school. Not this summer for me. But my wonderful wife has no such "break" as I long for and for some reason think I deserve, so no complaints here. I think that might have been a disguised complaint. Oh well.
This summer has provided me with some memories and positive experiences that I would now like to share with you, keep in mind these are only the ones I can think of at the moment. These being in no particular order:
1. World Cup/Playing soccer with my classmates
2. Group Counseling Class (the actual class time was enjoyable, I told you I wasn't going to complain about school)
3. Wednesday Night Meals-Fellow participants you know who you are.
4. Hotsprings, Arkansas
5. Winning a free DiamondJaxx ticket because of my mad bouncy ball hopping skillz.
6. A Bittersweet Memory...Jeep gone for a more reliable/gas friendly car.
7. Joesph tricking everyone into thinking he is going back to South Korea.

Well usually 10 is the appropriate number for a list like the one above, but since I go to a religious graduate school, 7 seems more appropriate for some reason. OK so I made that up, I could not think of any more. I am just a counseling student, I don't know anything about the exegesis of 7 or anything like that. But the number 7 is mentioned in Revelation alot though I hear.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Evidence for the Claim

Here is the much anticipated chess board, pieces bag, and man purse (I say it is european).

This is a pic of my little knitter and the outcome of her most challenging project. The work took over three months to complete. However, she managed to fit in a hat and two pair of socks during that time.

My wife can straight up KNIT

Erin does not know that I am posting this blog about her great skill for knitting, so do not think that she is trying to show off or anything. I have taken it upon myself to let the world know and see the craftsmanship of my wife. She has only been knitting about a year and a half, but as I have already mentioned she is quite proficient. She is also quite generous. Not only am I blessed with her first creation, a Murray State scarf, I have been lucky enough to have socks, a Christmas stocking, and if this picture uploads you will be able to see my favorite piece of knittage...the chess board. Also in this picture are the bags for the pieces and the bag to hold it all, which Erin calls my man purse (it is european). Hopefully someone caught that Seinfeld reference.
Anyways, the picture is not uploading so you will have to wait to see her glorious work at a later date.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Soccer Player Resurrected

From as long as I can remember up to age 18, I was a hardcore soccer player. I played all year long, outside soccer was not enough for me. I even played inside in the winter. Then high school graduation hit and I felt like I would never need a soccer ball again. I was burnt out. I passed up a chance to play for Murray State's club team. My sophmore year at MSU I decided to play intramural, but it was half-hearted. I only showed up to games when I felt like it. I quickly went back into retirement. I couldn't pass up a chance to come out of soccer retirement the next year, but to coach. It was not money that enticed me. I just wanted to donate my time selflessly. A sorority soccer team needed a coach, so I reluctantly agreed to do my best to guide the AOPi girls to a intramural championship. OK maybe it wasnt that selfless after all. I would like to add that this was before I was dating my wonderful wife who is so much smarter and better looking than any of those sorority chics.
So, after that you are probably wondering if I am ever going to get to the point. Well here it is. The World Cup was played this year in Germany. I couldn't drag myself away from the television when there was a game on. I became consumed with the whole thing. I was very disappointed with the US. Maybe even more disappointed with Zidane's head butt heard around the world, I was rooting for France when the US bit the dust.
Now I want to play everyday. I have played a few games with some guys from school. Ben and I have kicked around several times, even Erin played with me one day. I cannot get enough of it.
Soccer is so simple, yet you are always thinking. Other than halftime the game never stops. It takes skill and endurance and most of all teamwork. Those traits are what makes it the best sport on the planet, the "beatiful game" as they call it. Anyone with me?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Happy One Year To Us!!

July 30th, 2005 was the "big day" for us. That would make July 30th, 2006 the "big day" plus one year. So, for our first anniversary we decided on a weekend trip down to luxurious Hot Springs, Arkansas which is the background setting for this picture.
We arrived Friday night and thought ice cream would really hit the spot so we strolled down the strip in search of some ice cream. The man that sold us the ice cream managed to tell me about how busy the store gets around 9:30, his neighbors, dogs, and his accuracy with a gun within the time it takes it make a milkshake and scoop ice cream into a cup.
Another encounter that left us saying "well, this is Arkansas" (no offense Arkansas natives) was a woman in a night gown (Erin says it was a Mumu or something, I think it was a night gown) walking her dog. The poor woman ended up accidently letting go of the leash and screaming out as the dog ran away through traffic and out of sight.
Saturday was a fun-filled adventure that included shopping, sweaty putt-putt, and the weekend was finished with some relaxing massages.

-For what it's worth: The Cubs have won 6 of their last 7 games against the two best teams in the NL including a four game sweep of the Cardinals. Maybe I should lament more often.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Cubs Fan Lament

Why must I torture myself? Am I a fool who longs for punishment? As I write this the Cubs are losing to "our" nemesis, the St. Louis Cardinals. In case you haven't heard, the Cubs have not won the World Series in almost 100 years. Success in general has been elusive for the Cubbies.
Some say that the eviction of a goat and its owner from a game has cursed the Cubs all these years. In 2003 they were oh so close to reaching the World Series until a one Steve Bartman reached out and grabbed a foul ball about to land in the glove of the Cubs left fielder. Although a true fan would know that a double play ball bobbled by Alex Gonzalez (the owner of the highest fielding percentage in the NL that year) is what kept that fatal inning going and he should be the one to blame.
Since then injuries have plagued the Cubbies. The star pitchers going down year after year and numerous injuries to other key players has prevented them from performing up to expectations.
The story behind my weird obsession goes something like this: Ryne Sandberg and Mark Grace hooked me on the Cubs, having my name on the scoreboard at Wrigley on my birthday cemented my loyalty. There are two things one can count on with the Cubs, losing and loyal fans.
While blogging this the Cubs have taken the lead. As an experienced Cubs fan I am just waiting to see how they blow it...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Downtown for Fireworks

I am taking you back in time for a bit. This is my beatiful wife and I enjoying the wonderful fireworks show in downtown Memphis. There were lots and lots of people down by the river, and the show was great.

I Can See Clearly Now

Thanks to my downstairs neighbor Rusty, I feel more confident about my blogging skills. Last night he took my hand and guided me through the darkness. So now I can put up pictures, etc. Well I just thought I would inform the readers how I suddenly figured out how to use this bad boy and give credit to Rusty. Have a good one.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Blogging Impaired

I deceived myself into thinking that I was semi-technological savvy. I thought that creating and maintaining a blog would be a breeze. However, I have found out the hard way that blogging is a foriegn language to me. Taking into account that no one will read this for awhile, if ever at all, it may be awhile before I can figure out how to put up pictures and do other cool stuff like that. So maybe by the time I get an audience I will have some pictures and fancy features.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Blogger Begins

Well I have entered the world of blogging. After much thought I have decided that recording (blogging) details of my life on the internet is worthwhile. I realized that for all this time people out there have been deprived of the life and times of Justin Lewis. I have also pressured my lovely wife Erin into participating. So here I am fellow bloggers.