Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hammerin' Hank

In the past few years Barry Bonds has made up quite a bit of ground on Hank Aaron's all time homerun record. Next year he could very conceivably break the record. Unlike the American public, I will grant Bonds innocent until proven guilty as far as "juicing" goes. At the same time, I think he did it. I don't know about that the book "Game of Shadows" that supposedly gives indicting evidence, even if it does it is probably in language the common man would not understand. Cansaco's "Juiced" is probably the most accurate, and it puts it in clear terms that the American public can understand like "he stuck a needle in himself". As a side note, only in America could a washed up athlete desperatly striving for attention create an investigation involving the government towards a professional sports league through a tell-all book.
Back to the point my ramblings. Hank Aaron will always be my homerun king. He had to go through outside pressures that I will never fully understand, he received all kinds of hate mail and death threats. I read one at a traveling Hall of Fame exhibit, seems like there were alot of "fans" that did not want him to pass the Great Bambino, the Sultun of Swat, the "Babe". He just kept playing though. He did it with grace and respect (from what I hear). Here is to you Hank.

In other news: I hurt my knee and am out of athletics for 3-6 weeks. Bone bruises hurt.

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