This is me and my favorite child at church. Her name is Halle. She is a foster baby currently being loved by Randy, Tricia, and Callie Lillard.
(Not to mention any number of Christians at Sycamore View on a given church assembly).
It makes me sad birth parents are put in circumstances to have to let go of precious gifts like Halle. It does make me glad the birth parents have chosen to give the child to a family who is more prepared for a child. It makes me glad that there are people like the Lillards who are willing to love a child for a short (or long) amount of time. It makes me glad that there are people willing to adopt children like Halle. I am sad that they are missing out on the very thing I am doing in this picture, though.
God bless saints who foster and adopt. I want to be one of them.
First of all, thank you.
Secondly, Halle was in my lap when I was reading this post, so I decided to take a photo booth pic of her . . . . As you can see, she thinks pretty highly of herself.
Are you sure it is not me she thinks highly of? :)
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