Monday, June 18, 2007


June 16th/17th Erin, Seth (Erin's brother), and I rode our bikes in the Sutherland Midnight Classic Bike Tour. The proceeds benefit Meritan (formerly Senior Services). It was a 17 mile tour beginning at Midnight, obviously. We started at the main Memphis branch library and rode mostly in the Midtown area of Memphis. It took us about an hour and a half to finish it. We only stopped once, it was because I choked on a bug. It was gross, I had to get some water from a gas station. There was a good crowd of people who participated. There was a large age range, and I think there was a range in the seriousness of the riders as well. Thankfully, spandex was more scarce than I expected. I felt safe during most of the race. The best aesthetic part of the ride was seeing the beautiful homes. I plan on doing it next year, you should too. Oh yeah, thanks to the Whaleys for letting us borrow the helmets.

Erin and me at the race. As you may notice, we are representing Erin's place of employment, the Renaissance Group.

Pre-race. Seth, Erin and me.

1 comment:

Jason said...

A midnight bike ride sounds pretty fun. Glad you guys were able to do this. Maybe we can join you next time. -- Nicole