Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best Holiday

As Thanksgiving approaches I feel excited, but a little disappointed in myself. I will address the disappointment later, first I will tell you why Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday. Thanksgiving is a great holiday because you can gather with friends and family without any expectations of buying or receiving gifts. In fact, if you did give someone a gift you would probably be looked at strangely. This is one of the reasons I like Thanksgiving. Another reason I enjoy Thanksgiving is the fellowship and warmth in the gathering of friends and family. It doesn't matter to me that it is an annual appointment per se to me, in our busy worlds if that is what is needed, so be it. Turkey, dressing, and sweet potatoes. Football. The classic ingridients to a perfect Thanksgiving.
Now, the true reason it is the best holiday, and the reason I am disappointed in myself. This is the only holiday in which other people are thought of first. In high school I remember participating in activities in which the poor were going to be helped because of the celebration of Thanksgiving. I did some things at Murray State. But this year, I have been so busy with schoolwork I have not found an opportunity to serve. Shame on me for not participating in the part of the holiday I find to be most appealing. I will make time next year, I hope.

-Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends at the Grad school. Espically to ones who aren't able to visit family.


Jason said...

Cool post...Agreed. TG is my favourite holiday. Hope you guys have a good one. -- Nicole

Justin P. Lewis said...

Thanks Nicole. You are the coolest Australian-American I know. I hope you and Jason enjoyed your Turkey Day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Justin. I have a hunch that I might just be the only Australian-American that you know. But that is ok...I appreciate the compliment! :) We did enjoy Turkey Day...good food with good people. But we are ready to get back home to Memphis! --Nicole