Saturday, November 25, 2006


The "Thinking Man" is pondering the ultimate life question... What makes a subject blogworthy? We all have our opinions, we all have our ideas on why we blog what we blog. So what the "Thinking Man" wants to know is... what characteristics make something blogworthy?


Mark said...

I approach blogging as a diary. I write largely for the sake of my distant relatives who seldom get to see me, but like to check my blog. I include whatever parts of my life I think they would want to know about. Also, if I hear about anything that I don't think I'd want to forget, I include it. Later, as I go through my archives, it's like searching through old boxes in the attic full of things that used to mean a lot to me, reminding me of how far I've come. But since it's online, I don't have to worry about clutter.

Rusty and Rachel said...

I find that whatever I can blog about anything in order to avoid doing my research papers!