Monday, May 07, 2007


I have been thinking lately about busyness. I think that the way people most try to show their importance is to tell someone how busy they are. I always hear the answer "staying busy" to questions about what is new with them. Sometimes people just come out and say "I am so busy" as a way of trying to impress other people. If you are planning on impressing me please do not tell me how busy you are. Instead, tell me how well you manage your time so you can spend time with your family, serve God, and rest your body properly. Tell me how you make sacrifices to cut things out of your life. That would impress me. Some people are busier than others. There are people with many more responsibilities than me. I am still not impressed by the fact that someone is busy, so please do not tell me that and expect me to be impressed. Prioritizing things in your life is much more impressive to me. Maybe this is easy for me to say since I currently do not have as many responsibilities as other people. Maybe I am just lazy. It could be that I am on to something. What if everyone slowed down and prioritized, cut things out of life that do not have to be there (have to would need to be taken for what it really means)? I wonder what that would be like. It would probably impress me more than hearing about being too busy.

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