Monday, May 14, 2007


I guess I will be ready to finish school when the time draws near. I guess I will be more excited when I can tell someone how close I am to finishing my degree. Right now I am not. I choose to recognize what I have right now as special. It is a privilege. There are few people who get the opportunity to be exposed to the depth of knowledge presented before me. I do not want to wish away my time here so I can hurry up and be done with it. I did that too much in my undergraduate experience. I took it for granted and did not fully expose myself to the once in a lifetime opportunities to expand my world. I realize that graduating is important to celebrate as an accomplishment, but I am not going to spend my whole time here looking forward to finishing. I am going to spend my time here soaking up all the chances to learn that I can. So please do not tell me how ready you are to graduate. Tell me something that you learned recently. Tell me how your world is being expanded and how God is shaping you. If you are getting none of these, why are you here after all? A piece of paper? I realize the importance of getting a degree to get into the "real world" to make a difference. The requirement of the degree is there for a purpose. All I am saying is to take advantage of the privilege set before you to learn.