Monday, May 21, 2007


Here is the first "prayer shaw" that Erin knit for a ministry at Sycamore View.

This is Erin's second sweater. She made it a while ago, I have been slow updating the knitting process. I really like this one, with the buttons it looks like it came from the mall.

In a somewhat related story-Erin has a calender of knitting (big shock); within this calender was a quote that said, "Men who do not knit lead empty lives". So, I decided I was going to have Erin teach me how to knit. The lesson lasted about five minutes before I realized knitting is not for me. At least I now know what causes that empty feeling inside me.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Justin -- you are hilarious! Both Jason and I laughed out loud at this. This revelation (i.e the 'emptiness') should help you as you counsel in the future!