This weekend in Cincinattai I caught a game between the Reds and San Diego Padres. Former Cub great and one of my favorite pitchers plays for the Padres. Greg Maddux (Pictured above). We were at the game early so we went to the outfield seats to wait for some possible batting practice homers. Incidentally, my cousin grabbed one that landed in the seat Erin had been sitting in before she left moments before to go to the bathroom. But before that, Maddux was taking infield and shagging balls. I was really excited to see him and I was bragging about his work ethic and the non-existent ego of such a legendary pitcher. I may have been off a tad.
I stood directly behind where he was in the outfield; I was starstruck. A ball came to the wall directly below where I was standing. I was feet away. I was toungetied, I had nothing to say. A kid beside me asked "Mr.Maddux can I have a ball?" Maddux's reply (which is what broke my heart) was "nope". Nope? That's all he had for a 9-10ish year old boy who called him Mr. Maddux. Granted, visiting players are not supposed to throw balls in the stands like home players often do during batting practice, as none of the other players did that day. He could have handled it without being rude, though.
On a positive note, Mike Cameron's son was in uniform (he is roughly 12) and he was showing off some leather in centerfield during BP. Seriously. He had at least three web-gems. I should have taken a picture of him, I wouldn't be suprised to see him in "the show" someday.
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